When I was asked to write an invocation for the Nature Spirits that honored the Natives of this land, I found it difficult to do so without overlapping with the invocation of the Ancestor’s. Especially with a prayer of living in the moment, rather than the past.
There is a quote I wish to share with you, that some of you may have heard before. “In every deliberation we must consider the impact on the seventh generation”. This is a quote from the Iroquois Confederacy, that suits our prayer here today, if only so that we might learn to walk softly on the land now in the present, so that the affects of what we do are felt in our future generations.
In a way it is like many of our animal brethren who are not often concerned with the future or the past. They live in the moment, the best way that they know how. They might prepare their lodges for the winter, but their lives are focused around the here and now. And I think we can learn from them, by living our lives in a good way now, so our children can also live in a good way.