
Autumn Equinox

Statement of Purpose

What is the autumn Equinox? Within our local community at CedarLight, we honor this ad a giving of thanks, or Thanksgiving. We take the time to recognize the hard work done by our tribe throughout the year, we honor them and give thanks for their sacrifice.
Today, we also celebrate the abundance of the second harvest and the fertility of the land that was blessed by Ing. And as we honor Ing as a God of the Wena,  also known as the God’s of the land, we deepen our connection with the virility of the land, we sup from the bounty of the land as now is the harvest time when autumn blazes about us in a triumph of color and bounty. What we have wrought in the spring and summer is now made manifest. At this time, long ago, the crops were now brought in and the hunts were planned. We still follow some of these patterns today. So it’s actual abundance, not its potential, which makes this day special.

As light balances darkness, let’s give a thought for the summer that is ending, but above all, let’s rejoice
in the harvest, for the manifold blessings we enjoy in our lives. Because of our work, and with the help
of the gods, we can partake of the bounty of the earth and want for nothing. Let us take the lessons of ancestral lore and traditions and move forward into the Decay of Autumn with the knowledge, strength and harvest to withstand the coming winter. We start by asking for inspiration from the All father Woden.

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